Friday, May 14, 2010

Welcome Everyone!!!

I am Jane of all trades and in this blog I will be sharing with you, how I am getting my years supply of food, step by step. I already have some food storage and I will start by telling you how I have came to build up that supply before we go on to what I am continuing to do to build up my supply.
I know there are A LOT of food storage blogs out there, I have read many of them and seen many more. So why would I expect you to read my blog? Mine will focus on what I am actually doing to build up a year supply of food for me, not a family like most of the blogs out there, I am single which means that I do not need to build up a supply for anyone but me.( I will be keeping a little extra for my roommates who don't have food storage) I have not been able to find and blog or info on building food storage for singles. All of the very informative blogs out there are based on building a supply for your family. They have great info and I am learning a lot form them but I would still like to know something about food storage for a single adult.
So there you have it. The intro to my blog and why I am writing it. I hope that you enjoy and learn from it.
Will post again soon!